Welcome to my blog, where I invite you to join me on a vibrant journey of passion, creativity, and self-expression. Here, I delve into my diverse range of hobbies and interests, from gardening and DIY projects to culinary adventures and everything in between. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and captivated by the wonders of transforming spaces, creating delicious meals, and embracing the beauty of nature.

Gardening is one of my greatest joys, a therapeutic escape into a world of colors and scents. Through my blog, I share gardening tips, plant care advice, and tales of my garden projects, celebrating the magic of nature's embrace.

DIY projects have become my creative outlet, fueling my desire to transform spaces and make them uniquely mine. Join me as I share my triumphs, challenges, and insights gained along the way, inspiring you to embrace your own DIY spirit.

My love for food and culinary exploration is evident in the recipes and culinary experiences I share on this blog. Discover delicious recipes, cooking tips, and tales from my culinary escapades as we celebrate the art of creating memorable meals.

But my journey doesn't stop there. I also find joy in transforming my truck, the Mazda B4000, into a vibrant expression of my personality. Join me as I share the evolution of my truck and the adventures it has taken me on.

Through this blog, I hope to inspire and empower you to embrace your passions, unleash your creativity, and embark on your own remarkable journey of self-discovery. So, let's embark on this adventure together, where passion meets imagination, and where the beauty of self-expression is celebrated in every endeavor.

Get ready to be inspired and uncover the endless possibilities that lie within your own hands.

Welcome to my world of gardening, parenting, DIY projects, culinary delights, and colorful self-expression.

With love and enthusiasm,
Decoretti Mom

This blog is written in English, but also translated to Dutch ;)

Dit Blog is tweetalig: Engels & Nederlands. 

Twee jaar in Amerika

It's been exactly two years since I moved to America, and I've experienced so much during this time. I now live in Iowa, and while there may not be a lot to do here, the scenery is absolutely beautiful. I love the raw nature—the rocks, the hills, the water, the lakes, and the wildlife. I live in a quiet neighborhood, and it's a wonderful place to take walks with the dog.

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Liefde, groei & vertrouwen

Af en toe schrijf ik in gedachten brieven aan mezelf of aan mijn kinderen. Vandaag denk ik na over mijn kinderen en hun toekomst, vooral over wat hun jeugd met hen zal doen als ze volwassen zijn en een relatie krijgen. Ik wilde altijd dat mijn kinderen zouden opgroeien met een mama en papa. Het was uiteraard nooit mijn intentie om alleenstaande moeder te zijn, laat staan dat het mijn keuze was om uiteindelijk geheel uit hun leven te worden verbannen.

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Making pop cakes

Once upon a time, in a cozy kitchen filled with the delicious aroma of sweet treats, there lived a wonderful mother named Lois and her little daughter, Lotus. Together, they embarked on a magical baking adventure to create the most delightful cake pops the world had ever seen.

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My Keto Journey: Embracing a Low-Carb Lifestyle

Welcome to my blog, where I'll take you on a journey back to 2019 when I embarked on an exciting adventure called the keto diet. It was a time of discovery, experimentation, and a new way of looking at food. Join me as I share my experiences of following the keto diet, tracking my macros, and crafting delicious low-carb meals that kept me fueled and satisfied.

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Classic recipe for Salade Niçoise

🌞 Welcome to my blog, salad lovers! 🥗 Summer is my favorite time of the year, and I absolutely adore salads – they're light, refreshing, and oh-so-delicious! 🌱💕 But what I love even more is making my own Salade Niçoise using homegrown veggies straight from my garden. 🏡🍅🥒

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Wat is een narcist?

Het is belangrijk om te begrijpen dat een persoon met een narcistische persoonlijkheidsstoornis inderdaad niet zomaar een ziekte heeft die kan worden genezen. Het is een diepgewortelde persoonlijkheidstrek die gekenmerkt wordt door een overdreven gevoel van eigenwaarde, een gebrek aan empathie en een constante behoefte aan bewondering en bevestiging van anderen.

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15 Tekenen dat een Kind Gebrainwasht is door de Andere Ouder

Het is hartverscheurend om te ontdekken dat een kind gebrainwasht is door de andere ouder tijdens een scheiding. Deze manipulatie kan een negatieve invloed hebben op de relatie tussen het kind en de andere ouder. In dit artikel bespreken we 15 alarmerende tekenen die erop kunnen wijzen dat een kind gebrainwasht is en hoe je hiermee om kunt gaan.

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The garden - Blog 

Making pop cakes

Once upon a time, in a cozy kitchen filled with the delicious aroma of sweet treats, there lived a wonderful mother named Lois and her little daughter, Lotus. Together, they embarked on a magical baking adventure to create the most delightful cake pops the world had ever seen.

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My Keto Journey: Embracing a Low-Carb Lifestyle

Welcome to my blog, where I'll take you on a journey back to 2019 when I embarked on an exciting adventure called the keto diet. It was a time of discovery, experimentation, and a new way of looking at food. Join me as I share my experiences of following the keto diet, tracking my macros, and crafting delicious low-carb meals that kept me fueled and satisfied.

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Classic recipe for Salade Niçoise

🌞 Welcome to my blog, salad lovers! 🥗 Summer is my favorite time of the year, and I absolutely adore salads – they're light, refreshing, and oh-so-delicious! 🌱💕 But what I love even more is making my own Salade Niçoise using homegrown veggies straight from my garden. 🏡🍅🥒

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From Seeds to Green Delights: My Tomato Growing Journey

Planting the SeedsIn February, with excitement bubbling inside me, I carefully selected a variety of tomato seeds that I wished to grow. Using small seed trays, I filled them with rich, nutrient-dense soil, creating the perfect environment for the tiny seeds to sprout. With gentle hands, I planted the seeds, giving each one a loving touch, and placed the trays near a sunny window where they could soak up the warmth and light.

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My garden project in The Netherlands from play garden to chill garden ;)